Treated Fresh Air Units (TFAs)

Treated Fresh Air Units (TFAU) are designed specifically to introduce fresh, outside air into your building. Unlike the AHU, which recirculates indoor air, our TFAU provides fresh, conditioned outdoor air to improve indoor air quality and promote occupant health and comfort. Equipped with MERV filters to remove outdoor pollutants, heating and cooling coils to condition the air to the desired temperature, and humidity control systems to ensure comfortable and healthy indoor air, the TFAU allows facility owners to control the quality and temperature of the outside air being introduced into the building. This is especially important in areas with high levels of outdoor pollution or extreme temperature fluctuations.
TFAU units also help reduce the concentration of indoor air pollutants such as CO, CO2, and VOCs, creating a healthier indoor environment.
Don't compromise on the air quality in your building. Talk to us about the best possible alternatives for a healthy indoor environment for your occupants.