Hi-wall Units

Hi-Wall Units

Hi-wall AC units, also known as wall-mounted air conditioners are designed to provide efficient and effective cooling for small-sized individual rooms or spaces. Mounting high on a wall, typically near the ceiling, our AC units ensure optimal air distribution throughout your space.
Hi-wall AC units work by drawing in warm air from the room and cooling it using a powerful refrigerant before blowing the cool air back into the room through a vent or grille on the front of the unit. Control is easy, with our units being operated by a convenient remote control or wall-mounted thermostat, allowing you to adjust the temperature and settings to your liking.

At Opal HVAC Engineers we offer more than just supply and installation services. We also undertake maintenance contracts for Hi-wall AC units, ensuring that your unit is always operating at its best. Trust us to keep you cool and comfortable all year round.

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