Fabric Ducts for Air distribution

Fabric Ducts

Lightweight and flexible fabric ducts are suspended from the ceiling and distribute conditioned air to the space below, offering several advantages over traditional sheet-metal ductwork.
Fabric ducts provide even air distribution throughout the space. The permeable fabric material allows air to be distributed evenly across the entire length of the duct, resulting in more consistent temperatures and better indoor air quality.
They are easy to install and require minimal maintenance. They can be easily removed and cleaned and are resistant to corrosion, rust, and other forms of wear and tear that are common with metal ductwork.

Our fabric ducts are available in a wide range of colours and materials, allowing them to be customized to match the aesthetics of the space they are installed in. Moreover, they are also energy-efficient, requiring less pressure to distribute air than traditional metal ductwork, resulting in lower energy consumption and cost savings.
You get a cost-effective, energy-efficient, and aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional metal ductwork in HVAC applications. We work with leading fabric duct manufacturers and you can depend on us to deliver high-quality design-and-installation services, along with regular servicing and maintenance.

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