
Chillers are used to cool water or other fluids to provide air conditioning in large commercial or industrial buildings. They come in two types - air-cooled and water-cooled - designed to cater to your specific needs.
Air-cooled Chillers utilize high-performance fans to blow air over a heat exchanger that removes heat from the refrigerant. The heat is then transferred to the outside air, either directly or through a cooling tower. These Chillers are perfect for smaller buildings or applications where water is not readily available.
On the other hand, water-cooled Chillers use water as a heat transfer medium to remove heat from the refrigerant. The water is circulated through a separate cooling tower, where it is cooled by the outside air before being circulated back to the chiller. These Chillers are ideal for larger buildings or applications where water is readily available.
Chillers work by removing heat from a liquid through a refrigeration cycle, making them incredibly efficient and cost-effective for the right applications. Chillers are often used with air handling units and ductwork to distribute cool air throughout a building. The chiller cools the water or other fluid, which is then circulated through a series of pipes or ducts to individual air handling units, which distribute the cool air to each zone or room. Chillers can be very efficient and cost-effective when used in the right applications.